Fun Challenge: Create the Craziest Anime Plot You Can Think of For One of These Poorly Generated "Posters"

Fun Challenge: Create the Craziest Anime Plot You Can Think of For One of These Poorly Generated "Posters" picture 1 of 5
Fun Challenge: Create the Craziest Anime Plot You Can Think of For One of These Poorly Generated "Posters" picture 2 of 5
Fun Challenge: Create the Craziest Anime Plot You Can Think of For One of These Poorly Generated "Posters" picture 3 of 5
Fun Challenge: Create the Craziest Anime Plot You Can Think of For One of These Poorly Generated "Posters" picture 4 of 5
Fun Challenge: Create the Craziest Anime Plot You Can Think of For One of These Poorly Generated "Posters" picture 5 of 5