In a huge room a young prince was giving a speech, when a dark figure had dark plans for the prince, a young woman noticed it so she tried to follow the dark figure, she saw that figure wanted to give a black potion to the prince.

In a huge room a young prince was giving a speech, when a dark figure had dark plans for the prince, a young woman noticed it so she tried to follow the dark figure, she saw that figure wanted to give a black potion to the prince. picture 1 of 4
In a huge room a young prince was giving a speech, when a dark figure had dark plans for the prince, a young woman noticed it so she tried to follow the dark figure, she saw that figure wanted to give a black potion to the prince. picture 2 of 4
In a huge room a young prince was giving a speech, when a dark figure had dark plans for the prince, a young woman noticed it so she tried to follow the dark figure, she saw that figure wanted to give a black potion to the prince. picture 3 of 4
In a huge room a young prince was giving a speech, when a dark figure had dark plans for the prince, a young woman noticed it so she tried to follow the dark figure, she saw that figure wanted to give a black potion to the prince. picture 4 of 4