The Power Rangers as Prehistoric Dinosaur/Beast Warriors. (I guess what could have been if the MMPR could morph into dino warriors instead of people in spandex.)

The Power Rangers as Prehistoric Dinosaur/Beast Warriors. (I guess what could have been if the MMPR could morph into dino warriors instead of people in spandex.) picture 1 of 5
The Power Rangers as Prehistoric Dinosaur/Beast Warriors. (I guess what could have been if the MMPR could morph into dino warriors instead of people in spandex.) picture 2 of 5
The Power Rangers as Prehistoric Dinosaur/Beast Warriors. (I guess what could have been if the MMPR could morph into dino warriors instead of people in spandex.) picture 3 of 5
The Power Rangers as Prehistoric Dinosaur/Beast Warriors. (I guess what could have been if the MMPR could morph into dino warriors instead of people in spandex.) picture 4 of 5
The Power Rangers as Prehistoric Dinosaur/Beast Warriors. (I guess what could have been if the MMPR could morph into dino warriors instead of people in spandex.) picture 5 of 5